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The healthy mommies magazine has grown tremendously considering that the beginning over 7 years ago. In 2014 this web site reached several milestones including reaching over 30K subscribers and social media followers, 670K special visitors and 740K page views in just one year. I am ecstatic about what is in store for 2015. I am also humbled by the success of The healthy mommies magazine and would like to share with my readers the top 10 articles from 2014.
1. When It pertains to the Brain, Age Does Matter
If your keys keep playing hide-and-seek and you can’t recall the name of your daughter’s most current BFF, what must you do? occasional memory blips are “extremely normal”, especially for busy moms, according to Barry Gordon, M.D., PhD, professor of neurology and cognitive science at Johns Hopkins school of medicine and author of Intelligent Memory. “Your memory’s probably not as bad as you think it is,” he says, and too much self-monitoring might only make it worse.
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2. Six everyday uses for Your Mateless Socks
Het gebeurt de hele tijd. Socks go in the wash together and come out alone. often they reunite with their mates, and often they are destined for a single life—that may sound bleak, but the truth is they can be quite beneficial on their own around the house. here are six ways you can use those clean but mateless socks to enhance your everyday life. Lees verder
3. Try These Foods That minimize Stress
A rough day at work, a houseful of chores and bickering kids can leave you feeling frazzled. You’re tempted to reach for the pretzels or chocolate, but you know it’s not good to reach for something to eat when you’re absolutely stressed out, right? Niet altijd! Nutrition experts say that certain foods can actually help us stay calm. here are some of their stress-combating suggestions:Read More
Related What is Pancreatitis?
4. The top 10 Funniest fitness Memes
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5. Ab workouts to get Rid of Your mommy Belly
Approximately 30% of women who have given birth experience a separation of the abdominal muscles called diastasis recti. During pregnancy the two ideal and left sides of the rectus abdominis-the “six-pack” muscle-spreads apart at the body’s midline, the linea alba. usually this condition corrects itself after the baby is born but for some women this mommy stomach stays with them for years after giving birth.Read More
6. Belly After Baby: how to get Rid of Your Mummy TummyIf you’re a new mom, no doubt you’re wondering when and how (or if!) your stomach will be flat again.Is it crunch time?No! It turns out that crunches can be harmful to both your stomach and your back.To understand why, here’s an introduction of how abdominals work: read More
7. Best Weight Loss Supplements for Women
Here at The healthy mommies magazine we want you to look good in that bikini or swim suit this summer. Diet and exercise alone may not work for everyone trying to lose weight. often we need an extra push or help to reach our weight loss goals. We have researched the top weight loss supplements on the market today and put together a list of ten of the best weight loss supplements for women. Lees verder
8. 4 things kids tell Their parents That must never Be Ignored
Children must always be appropriately communicating with their parents. It’s basic, primal even for a child to go to their parents whenever there’s something he needs or wants. However, parents don’t always understand what it is that their children are trying to say, especially the younger ones. We have come up with a list of things children say to their parents every day that you as a parent might not notice. Lees verder
Related From Guilty pleasure to Discomfort: The connection between Age and Food Reactivity
9. Your best 20-Minute Workout
Ready to get in shape but not sure you’ve got the time? between long workdays, packed weekends and family obligations, it can seem impossible to fit in an hour of exercise several times a week. Fortunately, there are a variety of routines you can add to your schedule that will help you get (or stay!) in shape in just 20 minutes. Bonus: You can do them anywhere. Lees verder
10. 6 instant ways to anxiety less and Smile More
You can’t completely eliminate anxiety from your life, but you can learn to deal with it in a healthy way. and considering that anxiety is associated with all sortS van negatieve gezondheidseffecten zoals hoge bloeddruk en een verzwakt immuunsysteem, het duren van een paar minuten per dag om angst te bestrijden, houdt je niet alleen blij en glimlachend, maar ook gezond.
“Dagelijkse gedoe en ergernissen kunnen iedereen bereiken, maar kleine veranderingen maken een groot verschil”, beschrijft Judy Saltzberg, die een doctoraat heeft in de wetenschappelijke psychologie en les geeft aan de Masters of Applied Positive Psychology Program van de Universiteit van Pennsylvania. Hier is hoe je kunt blijven glimlachen: lees meer
We willen al onze toegewijde lezers en volgers bedanken voor het lezen en delen van onze inhoud. We zullen ernaar streven om onze trackrecord te blijven bijhouden als “The Primary Health Blog for Moms” in 2015.
Het tijdschrift Healthy Mommies levert een verscheidenheid aan educatieve informatie voor mama’s over onderwerpen, variërend van ouderschap, tot zwangerschap, voeding, gezondheid, gezondheidsnieuws en opinie, schoonheid, furgaal leven, mode en christelijk geloof. Onze wekelijkse functies omvatten de top 10 -lijst op maandag en Wordless Wednesday op woensdag.
Gerelateerde 4 voordelen van natuurlijk licht in huis
Wat voor soort inhoud zou je hier in 2015 willen lezen? Welke artikelen zijn uw favorieten? We verwelkomen uw opmerkingen en suggesties om deze site te verbeteren.
Gelukkig nieuwjaar en bedankt voor het lezen!
Cascia Talbert – oprichter
Bijdragennick Wilson – Bloggerjahnan Derso van gewichtsverlies – Wellness BloggerBekah – ouderschap, familie, onderwijs en zuinig leven
Link naar dit bericht: 10 veel populaire artikelen in 2014
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